Thursday, October 22, 2009


Remember when you wanted to be shrink and you used to call me "shafi3et el mjenin'?
when you used to be the Santa Clause that orphins waited for each year?
Remember when tears used to come eaily into your eyes under the BIG SANTA MASK?
OMG! Remember when at 17 you wanted to enter the Roumieh prison illico to do a report?
Remember when you dreamt of building a school for street Children?
Remember when you used to invite them to your parents' library and read with them books?

Remember when you used to stand in front of a mirror shouting like a phedre, screaming like a hysterical, miming like a Colombine?
REMEMBER ALL THE GONCOURT, THE OSCARS AND THE CESARS you dreamt of... and all the speeches you had ready for each and every occasion??

Remember when you wanted to go to Chad?
When you went to NORTH AND SOUTH AND BEKAA to help children in need?

Remember when crying was so easy and laughing even easier?

Remember when you went the first time to ROME... you were 16... you went to "Treville Fountain"... you made a wish...
two wishes ... tradition... come back to italy in less than 15 years... and WORK in Audiovisual and MEdia...

REMEMBER? Your wishes came true... both...
So, Sanaa... why are you so sad?

Sanaa: because this last wish was made true... all the other dreams vanished away... and the reason i initially made the wish for too?... what's a wish that comes true if the dream behind it is lost??

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Stranger in what used to be my life.... with whom used to be my friends...
I look at them and realize: I have nothing to tell them... nothing to say... nothing to complain... nothing to explain...
It's emptiness...
Les mots qu'on s'ëchange, les petites blagues... du passé... elles sont à la limite désuètes...
It's emptiness...
oui le vide de ce qu'on ne se dit plus... de ce qu'on se cache...
le vide de ce qu'on pense sans le dire...
Et puis les petites phrases qui nous ramènent en arrière... vers ce qu'on ne veut même pas se rappeler... les petites phrases sensées sympathiques mais qui ne le sont pas... je souris quand m*eme...
Ah oui! je me rappelle maintenant...c'est d'avoir trop dit qu'on évite de se parler!

Monday, October 05, 2009

L'illusion est morte...

Et voilà...
L'illusion est morte...
C'est bien mon coeur qui lui donnait la vie
Aujourd'hui il l'a crachée...
Prends vie ou Meurs...
Il se fait qu'elle est morte... morte bien avant d'être crachée...
je la savais bien morte... mais je me refusais de l'enterrer...
Un cadavre au fond de soi... quelle aubaine me suis-je infligée...
Mon illusion est morte...
Je ne l'enterrerai pas...
les tombes ça se visite....
je l'ai incinérée..... soufflée dans le vent des rues de Beyrouth...
Elle est poussière...
Je fais mon deuil...
Je ne la reverrai plus...
Ciao Ciao Illusion...
May you rest in peace...and leave me in final peace